ILLIANCE agenda is present at an event organized by ANI
16 Nov 2023

On November 16, 2023, the ILLIANCE Agenda participated in the event organized by ANI "Innovation and Technological Valorization towards the Sustainable Development Goals", at the Pavilion of Knowledge, in Lisbon.

The presentation of the ILLIANCE Agenda was framed in the "Sustainable Funding Opportunities" panel, with a view to making known the experience of the ILLIANCE – Energy Efficiency consortium, within the scope of the Mobilizing Agendas/PRR, particularly in terms of collaboration between companies, CTI, CoLAB and TTO, as well as the exploration of new financing opportunities.

Framing of the Event

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) act as a guiding framework that aims to address some of the most pressing issues of our time, such as climate change, migration issues, public health, and food security. For institutions dedicated to research and knowledge transfer, namely Collaborative Laboratories (CoLAB), Technology and Innovation Centres (CTI) and Technology Transfer Offices (TTO), this reality represents both an opportunity and a challenge, and these entities are in a privileged position to contribute to social innovation and sustainability, while facing critical issues related to strategies.  funding and collaboration between institutions.

This event, which includes the annual meetings of CoLAB, CTI and TTO, is part of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of innovation agencies in Portugal, with the aim of providing spaces for specific or shared discussion, where experiences and good practices in terms of knowledge transfer can be disseminated.

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